Friday, April 5, 2013

70% Nutrition 30% Exercise?

I am constantly coming across pictures on websites such as Facebook and Twitter that talk about percentages.  "Abs are 30% exercise and 70% diet".  Now I am not one to sugar coat, so I am just going to go ahead and say it....


Think of it this way. If a football team put only 50% of their effort into offense and 50% into defense, would they be a successful team? Of course not.  They must put 100% into every aspect of the game if they expect to win. 

Why would your health be any different?  You can't spend 11 hours eating junk food and 12 hours sleeping then expect 1 hour of exercise to give you results.  It simply does not work that way. 

Nutrition (I'm not a fan of the word "diet") and Fitness go hand in hand, and you must give 100% to each.  You can workout twice a day, seven days a week and you will see very minimal results if you are still eating junk.  

How do I know this? Because this was me until recently.  I absolutely love to workout.  I mean I seriously LOVE it.   The problem was that I have always loved junk food as well.  Not sweets, but I could pig out on chips, pretzels, crackers, etc...  

It took me a long time, but I finally realized I was shooting myself in the foot.  By eating junk, I might as well have been not exercising at all.  That is when it finally clicked in my mind.  In my opinion, the key to healthy eating, fitness, or anything for that matter is your state of mind.  

If you don't fully set your mind to something, you will not do it.  

I will leave you with a very yummy recipe, courtesy of 

Banana and Almond Butter French Toast

Ingredients – Serves 2:
- 4 slices of whole wheat bread
- 3 tbsp Almond butter  (Or I have used Peanut Butter  -April)
- 1 banana, sliced
- 1 medium egg
- 1 tbsp vanilla extract
- Cinnamon and Nutmeg to taste

1) Cut the crusts off the bread (keep for breadcrumbs or give the birds a treat)
2) Spread the almond butter on each slice of bread
3) Divide the banana slices between 2 slices of bread and put the other slices of bread on top to form 2 sandwiches. Pinch round all the sides to close the edges.
4) Whisk together the egg, vanilla, cinnamon and nutmeg.
5) Dip each sandwich in the egg mixture until each side is coated.
6) Add to a hot pan that has a little butter in it and cook for 90 seconds each side.
7) Serve.

Nutritional Information – per person:
Calories: 400
Carbs: 45
Fat: 17.5
Protein: 17
Fibre: 9

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